If you have a landscape with soil that’s at risk of moving around or eroding, you might benefit from the extra support and buttressing of a retaining wall. These walls serve a number of purposes in helping you gain better control of the ground around you. Their most basic purpose is to fight off gravity and control land that wants to slide down elsewhere. These walls have been in use for thousands of years—picture terraced farming in Peru or Vietnam—and can really help create land that is extremely usable.
A concrete retaining wall in Santa Rosa, CA might be a method that you’d like to consider, and the professional and efficient team at Sikes Asphalt Group Inc. can get the job done for you. Below are some tips to get you thinking about whether or not this method might be a good fit for your yard.
Consider look and climate
Poured concrete retaining walls can be a striking addition to your architecture. They fit in particularly well with homes that have a distinctly modern look, and can really add something special to them if used properly. They are a beautiful addition, but there are some things you’ll need to consider. They’re not really a good fit in areas of extreme weather (think the Pacific Northwest) because fine poured concrete work is just not really possible in these places. A poured concrete wall in Santa Rosa, CA is more of a possibility due to the consistency of our weather, but there are still caveats to keep in mind when you’re pondering what type of retaining wall you’d like to have built on your property.
Cracks can cause headaches
Many landscapers will shy away from poured concrete retaining walls because it’s not particularly easy to maintain them. If any cracks appear in a concrete retaining wall in Santa Rosa, CA, then they can essentially be irreparable—even though these types of walls can be patched, the unfortunate fact of the matter is that there’s really no long-term fix. Oftentimes, the only solution is to tear the wall down and start all over with a brand-new one.
The team at Sikes Asphalt Group Inc. can help you evaluate if a concrete retaining wall could be what you’ve been missing at your home or business.
How much strength do you need?
Despite some of these drawbacks, a concrete retaining wall in Santa Rosa, CA is basically unmatched when it comes to strength. Landscapers agree that they’re quite a bit stronger than block walls due to the addition of admixtures that can help the wall adjust to any climate challenges that it might encounter during installation.
A poured concrete retaining wall can be a tricky proposition—it requires a good amount of skill to pour and install correctly and effectively, and the maintenance issues can scare many people off. However, if you pick the right team and have the right house to complement this striking architectural feature, it really can be a wonderful addition to your landscaping layout. Contact Sikes Asphalt Group Inc. to schedule a consultation and learn more about the possibilities a concrete retaining wall could present to your property.